Monday, December 11, 2017

Thursday, November 30, 2017

Know Joy

Love! Not for the like of it, but the joy of it.

n.r. Williams

His Authority

Somebody said, you score we win, but God says, nobody wins, I keep the score.

n.r. Williams

Repect the Dots

The first period means stop. The second one means get ready. But the third period, means continue.

n.r. Williams

Miscalculated Vol. 9

If you reject the next step, you lose your step.

n.r. Williams

Still Full Vol. 4

Cancel the check on disaster, but write the check for the dream.

n.r. Williams

Know Today

Don't engage tomorrow today. You will not have what you need to fight for it. Hence... you will know when you're in the right day.

n.r. Williams

New Money

A change in the color green.

n.r. Williams

Miscalculated Vol. 8

To tug on their pockets without ever tugging at their faith.

n.r. Williams

Off Shoot

To keep one alive, He creates another.


The Next Step

Is to have the people ask the question, "What is a Suspended-Release Novel?"

n.r. Williams

Answer: A Novel that has its contents released in a suspended manner, according to the schedule prescribed by the author or publisher.

Purpose: To engage the reading audience with an interactive book publishing and book release event.

Know Obstacle

When you have lost a thought, you have not lost a thought, but rather you have bypassed an obstacle.

n.r. Williams

True Kernel

God does not ask us to understand what is not given, but to multiply what is.

n.r. Williams

Know Leader

We shall not lead by the pull of a collar, but by the pull of faith.

n.r. Williams

Heads Up Vol. 4

Let your "I am" speak more of the willingness of Spirit than your isness.

n.r. Williams

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Know Reaction

If you react to the background, you bring it into the foreground.

n.r. Williams


Know Treasure

The one who celebrates alone has discovered the true value of his treasure.

n.r. Williams

Know Challenge

Don't challenge what is established, instead let what is established challenge you.

n.r. Williams


A long arm was a reach, but a strong arm was a breach.

n.r. Williams

Who's Who Vol.12

The one who tests the test, becomes a master, but the one who quizzes the test, is reduced to laughter.

n.r. Williams

Know Shadow

Her bravado was only a shadow.

n.r. Williams

Know Maintenance

Simple fish enjoy freedom and heavy fish are thrown back in, but a fish that maintains its weight, is always a catch.

n.r. Williams

Know Bait

It takes greater power to unfriend than to befriend.

n.r. Williams

Know Question

Don't ask a question you're not willing to live out the answer to.

n.r. Williams

Know Prayer

Do not begin in reality what you have not begun in prayer.

n.r. Williams

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Look Who's Walking

Ever seen a plant walk a dog?

n.r. Williams

Speed of Word

Words still travel faster than the web, because they speak to the universe and not just the world.

n.r. Williams

Need A Ghost Writer?
Need an Ad Writer?
Comment on this Blog!

Monday, November 20, 2017

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Ask And...

The Lord says, don't tell me to pick it up... you pick it up.

n.r. Williams


Go the Extra Thought

The one who unfailingly states the obvious, unfailingly serves failure.

n.r. Williams

Diligent or Busy

God is diligent, not busy. This is why He is always listening.

n.r. Williams

Change or Evolve

Change leaves you untraceable, but evolution leaves you relatable.


Keep Walking Vol. 10

Keep walking. You cannot miss what God has for you. It is not a ball that's being thrown, or a trap that's being set. It's a gift that's being delivered.

n.r. Williams

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Friday, November 17, 2017

True and False Pairs

Truth never battles forgiveness, but unforgiveness does battle truth.

n.r. Williams

Fear or Deceit

It's the difference between a Peter and a Judas.

n.r. Williams


Choose Power

Every living creature has the choice of two spirits.

n.r. Williams

Know Critics

There will only be quiet, when you are off the path.

n.r. Williams

Heads Up Vol. 3

If you play the small picture, you lose the direction of the big picture, but if you play big picture, you can always see the movement on the ground.

n.r. Williams

Cross Checked

He is careful of what you're tearing down, for it may be hazardous to what He is building up.

n.r. Williams

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Tough Question Vol. 3

If more insults went over your head, who, what, and where would you be?

n.r. Williams

Forest for The Trees

Don't miss the art for the assumptions.

n.r. Williams

Read Chapters 1-13 of "Freeborn" from the Suspended-Release
Novel Series The Decks and the Road
by author/blogger/speaker
NaTisha R. Williams
(yours Truly)

Know Powers

The Lord may back up, but He never backs down.

n.r. Williams

Know Guts

The beauty of having God shut your mouth, is knowing when He has pried it open.

n.r. Williams

Friday, November 10, 2017

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Wisdom's Ways

Intimidation makes all the sounds of the animal kingdom, but wisdom is selective with sound.

n.r. Williams

Heart Ways

Nice is not determined by what you do when someone's in need, it's determined by what you do when you're in need.

n.r. Williams

No Such Thing

There's no such thing as speaking the intentions of a person's heart behind their back.

n.r. Williams

Know Results

Sometimes God will ask you to do a thing, not for the end result, but for the things that are set into motion as a result.

n.r. Williams


Saturday, November 4, 2017

Miscalculated Vol. 7

When the hardest thing to appreciate is a blessing, and the easiest thing to depreciate, is wisdom.

n.r. Williams

Say When

When you have found the center of your soul, don't move.

n.r. Williams

Works of Manipulation

Together the blessing is hidden, but separated the blessing is exposed. Together the glory goes to God, but separated the glory attempts to go to man. Therefore, separated God will take man low, to show the glory belongs to God.

n.r. Williams


(Friends, just know, there are some who are trying to isolate God's glory for their personal gain. Believers, stay awake. Armies of God, stay on guard.)

Friday, November 3, 2017

Tough Question Vol. 2

If you had to pay to speak, what would you say?

n.r. Williams

From the Bottom Up

The depth of healing is in the height of expression.

n.r. Williams


Double D

The bosom of decency and dignity is privacy.

n.r. Williams

The Opinion of Branding

Unless you have branded an opinion of your art, there is no opinion you must uphold.

n.r. Williams


Heads Up Vol. 2

Smart people aren't insulted by other smart people, instead... they be like "Let's super smart up as a team"!

n.r. Williams


Tough Question Vol.1

Are you brave enough to share the catch that proves you to be just a little smaller than you thought you were.

n.r. Williams

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Who's Who Vol. 8

There's a lot to be learned from a people who never sets aside their goal, but they were hard lessons to learn for a people who could never set aside their heart.

n.r. Williams

How God Compliments

He says to one, you are my people, and to another, you are my inheritance. Still, He says to another, you are my handiwork. For the one who is whole, no comparison can be seen or heard. The one who is whole, only hears, "You come from me".

n.r. Williams


Sunday, October 29, 2017

The Missing Subject

The subject of an explanation is always the question. Likewise, the subject of a description is always the term being described.

n.r. Williams


Heart Meet Eyes

As apparent as the flaws appear to be, beauty being superficial, is even more apparent. Yet, the eyes can only go where the heart is intent on being.

n.r. Williams

Fresh Deck

When the cards you're holding are too new to bend.

n.r. Williams


Heads Up

You are worthy of the breath of God given to you.

n.r. Williams

Catch A Sight

Close your eyes and see the Lord fighting for you.

n.r. Williams


Liberation is not simply the joy of freedom, but it's freedom and joy.

n.r. Williams

Weak Bet

To consider the hand you were dealt, but give no consideration to God.

n.r. Williams


Tear On

If you promise not to swallow the tears, the tears won't swallow you.

n.r. Williams



Between years, she leaped. Between bears, she climbed. Between tears, she shined. Between fears, she growled.

n.r. Williams

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Don't Forget to Count

... on God.

n.r. Williams


Mirror Meet Eyes

When the mirror meets our eyes, is it the glass reflecting, or our eyes mirroring?

n.r. Williams

Drain No

On the count of three.... take every no, spoken against you're dream; and drain no.

n.r. Williams

How Peace Talks Starts

... when yellow-green walks.

n.r. Williams


The greedy green. When money absorbs light.

n.r. Williams

Something Blue

... an answer to an old question, in a new season.

n.r. Williams

Friday, October 20, 2017

What We Uphold

If the law holds up, truth goes free. But if the law folds, truth is put on hold.

n.r. Williams

A Taste of Trickery

Perception will always asks you to chase it around the block, if only it can prevent you from what you're building.

n.r. Williams

Count Less

So what, I'm a star. We are many.

n.r. Williams

Know Application

Suggestions can be applied to your situation, but truth can be applied to your life.

n.r. Williams

The Youth of Truth

A truth that grows old, is no truth.

n.r. Williams


Full Circle

You have not seen your life, until you've seen a circle.

n.r. Williams

Capture Light

No one is empty who chooses to capture light.

n.r. Williams


Reject Emptiness

Emptiness is not an inefficiency, its a disposition.

n.r. Williams

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Heart Beat

If the beat works, the heart works.

n.r. Williams

Play Message

Message always plays bigger than scenario.

n.r. Williams

Know Law

When you know law, you can make a distinction between free and free to do.

n.r. Williams


Hey Usurp

... It's not going to work.

n.r. Williams

Eyes Closed

Create with your eyes closed, so that your soul will have the greatest influence on what you create.

n.r. Williams

Tuesday, October 17, 2017


Whenever a train stops, naturally there's an onload and an offload, but the train remains unshaken by those decisions.

n.r. Williams

Control the Times

The one who asks a question, brings time to a stand still.

n.r. Williams

Out Source

Never accept information that comes detached from its source, for with its source, lives the spirit of the information.

n.r. Williams

Push Back

Never accept an opportunity to be treated as a god, instead demand that that energy be equally spread across humanity.

n.r. Williams

The Jaw of God

His Judgement, Authority, Will, and Word.

n.r. Williams

Monday, October 16, 2017

Grammatically Correct

An excuse is a period. A vision is a comma. Authority is a semicolon.

n.r. Williams

Keep Walking, Vol. 6

Keep walking gem, your cuts bring definition to you.

n.r. Williams

That Glow On You

Don't be so sterile that a spec of dirt defiles you, but be so clean, that any spec of dirt, glows on you.

n.r. Williams

A Constant Blossom

Don't just see criticism as a challenge, but challenge the criticisms.

n.r. Williams

These Days

Writers don't write no more, all they do is blog.

n.r. Williams

Just Face It

... the face of robbery is not masked.

n.r. Williams

Miscalculated, Vol. 6

If purpose turns to pride and pride turns to interest, you'll lose the principle.

n.r. Williams


I'm a period and comma. I go separate or together. I join the statements with the fragments. I chew G.U.M. with my mouth closed, and when I come around; it's case closed.

n.r; Williams

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Hypocritical Hypo-Critics

Thinks five over one is a better ratio than one over five.

n.r. Williams

Hot Head

When your mind is a kettle, it whistles.

n.r. Williams


When you're no longer on the defense, and you're dominating the offense.

n.r. Williams

Office Walls

Best jokes come now.  I'm preparing the walls.

n.r. Williams

From The Breakroom to The Boredroom

Waiting on that chair I ordered to be delivered.

n.r. Williams

Saturday, October 14, 2017

Everything Under Private Investigation

... using prayer and intellect.

n.r. Williams

In Christ

... and coming to an industry near you!
n.r. Williams


An idea is only as good as its vision.

n.r. Williams

The Playbook Writer

She comes with her own book.

n.r. Williams


When it can be seen three ways, but you only intended it one way.

n.r. Williams


Limited Liability Operation.

n.r. Williams


Vault yourself into a creative space, where everything created is vaulted.

n.r. Williams

A Bite, A Thesis, and A Talk

How every relationship should start.

n.r. Williams

Whistle While It Twerks

When your knee is expected to jerk, but your mind goes to twerk.

n.r. Williams

What Dishonors You

Never fight a fight that was picked for you. Likewise, never bandage a cut that was cut for you. Only attend to what you intended to.

n.r. Williams

Friday, October 13, 2017


If you see a lamb, she's covered. If you see a lion, she is exposed. But if you see an ox, she's got orders.

n.r. Williams

Don't Knock

... you have the key!

n.r. Williams

Accept or Reject

The squeaky wheel only gets the oil, if it's still squeaking when the oil comes.

n.r. Williams


Arm You

Let God be the first to compliment you, so that compliment that comes to disarm you, won't charm you, but alarm you.

n.r. Williams


The Abusive Master

... asks you to frown on what makes you smile.

n.r. Williams

Back to Work

Adding Interest.

n.r. Williams

Thank God For The No's

That could have destroyed you.

n.r. Williams

Time Him

If you jump the gun, you lose the race.

n.r. Williams




"Always place an intellectual value on your reactions."

n.r. Williams

Thursday, October 12, 2017


Whoever has your ears, is your authority. Whoever has your heart, directs your influence. Whoever has your mind, holds your power. Yet, whoever feeds you, can have it all.

n.r. Williams


On Your Next Job Interview...

go Human. It's the most powerful.

n.r. Williams

Race On

Never buy a new pair of shoes for the sake of it, but get a better pair of shoes for the stake in it.

n.r. Williams

Nice With It

When they check your clever, before they check your errors.

n.r. Williams

A Solid Knowing

Don't argue what cannot be understood, but understand what cannot be argued.

n.r. Williams


When you open a door, don't become the door. But be the light behind the door.

n.r. Williams

Free Truth


n.r. Williams

Passive Truth


n.r. Williams

Hard Truth



Gentle Truth


n.r. Williams

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Monday, October 2, 2017

Quick Lab

Be aware of your adversary who gives you enough resources to contend with their enemies, but not enough to solve your own problems or pursue your own dreams.

n.r. Williams


Don't fear the cliff, walk right up to it and look down. See how far you've climbed. Then when it sees your courage, it will open up its arms and make a ledge.
n.r. Williams

Friday, September 29, 2017

No Catcher Left Behind

When you cast a vision, you project yourself in time. The one who catches the vision, travel with you.
n.r. Williams

Boots Strapped

Be heavy. Be heard. Be holy.

n.r. Williams

Truth Patriots

Always liberal with the truth.

n.r. Williams

Be Smaller

When you give up your shoulders, you lose your height.

n.r. Williams


Ask Now

People of the USVI, this is the time to petition for the right to cast an official vote for President of The United States of America. A single vote for each individual citizen. In the aftermath of Irma, we can see the importance. We have been citizens long enough. Give us the right!!



Full Disclosure

When the awareness of an issue as reached its full capacity, wait. For the next thing added, will begin the spill.

n.r. Williams

Face It

The face of evil is not mean.

n.r. Williams

Secrets of Judgment Revealed

That moment when God shows you why you made the right call.

n.r. Williams


Monday, September 25, 2017

Good Economics

If you're going to pay for something, you may as well use it.


See how God gently exposed corruption and brought healing to me.
"The Power of Silence" ... A Personal Testimony


Counter Narrative

You can't feed a narrow road to a broadband, but you can feed a broadband to a narrow road.
n.r. Williams

The Origin of Things

The heart of a thing, is the spirit of a thing. The words of a thing, is the belly of a thing. The intention of a thing, is the last bite of a thing. But the perception of a thing, is the life of a thing.
n.r. Williams

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Global Awakening

Don't stretch out your fist, stretch out your prayers.

n.r. Williams


Who's Who Vol. 7

The truth is a rock the beast uses to sharpen its teeth, but it doesn't realize it's losing its teeth. Meanwhile the rock never loses its density or its ability to sharpen.

n.r. Williams

Bowling Storms

Be aware of the storms that are packed with power, but come with no thunder. For God always sends voice.

n.r. Williams

Kingdom Calculations

One is the whole, two is plenty, and three is Glory.

n.r. Williams


Saturday, September 23, 2017

Miscalculated Vol. 5

To return to bed with an abusive lover who neither apologizes or makes any promises.
n.r. Williams

Monday, September 18, 2017

Sunday, September 17, 2017

The Purpose of the Rainbow

... was to let you know that not even God would drown you.

n.r. Williams


... The highest form of peace.

n.r. Williams

Who's Who Vol. 6

Those in the arena not advertising the colors of their teams, will still be known by what triggers their response.

n.r. Williams

By Assignment

When you give away the parts of you that are assigned to be given away, you remain whole.

n.r. Williams

Belly Full

"You're getting old" is the song they sing when you have called to Rememberance more than they can stomach.

n.r. Williams

Channels of Learning

If you hear it, you can speak it, but if you learn it, you can teach it.

n.r. Williams

Your Weather Channel

Never accept the weather from an adversary. Likewise, do not accept the weather from a feather. Instead, look to the rock that does not sway, and say... "Whether or not the waters rise, as for me and my house, we shall serve the Lord".

n.r. Williams

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Dull and Void

You cannot respond to what you cannot imagine.

n.r Williams


Stay Wealthy

The most expensive thing one can lose is truth.

n.r. Williams

Illegal U-turn

She sent them away with a file full of infractions.

n.r. Williams

Hold Tight

Don't release from your mouth, what can't be afforded to others.

n.r. Williams

Mindsets of Eden

To speak about butterflies, roses, and living water, while you're looking at concrete, is not deception; it's conception.

n.r. Williams

Different Day

Unresponsive was the veil of a people who couldn't see history in repeat.

n.r. Williams


... the highest form of Kingdom.

n.r. Williams


Friday, September 15, 2017

Believe in God

Some jumped bridges, some fell under the nose of a barrel, and others turned around and walked into the sunset. But there came one who's screams echoed vertically upward for miles; that one was saved.

n.r. Williams


Get out from under a closing umbrella.

n.r. Williams

Behind the Wall

Don't expect people to fight for a right, that you yourself don't stand in front of.

n.r. Williams



Beware of those who don't speak up for you, but call themselves inspired by your cries.

n.r. Williams

Band of Liars

Banded together by lies they stood strong, but with truth, together they would fall.

n.r. Williams

What Heart's Do

Marketing don't carry torches, hearts do.

n.r. Williams

General Wisdom

...has no place within the will of God.

n.r. Williams


Life's Hat

Don't try to explain what you yourself could not understand. Allow life to wear it's own hat.

n.r. Williams

The Feelers

The feelers will come and when they do, stay out of your feelings, and proceed with peace.

n.r. Williams

Prayer Warrior

... when you pray so much you dream about praying.

n.r. Williams


Thursday, September 14, 2017


If it proves to be a snake, she will prove to be a heel, and her heel moves with treble.

n.r. Williams


Counter Intelligence

When God lays before you your opposition's plans, even before He outlines your plan.

n.r. Williams



If you've inherited the right to light a fire, don't demote yourself to the one set aside to fan the flames.

n.r. Williams


True Testimony

When the test testifies on your behalf.

n.r. Williams


If a person, place, or thing proves not to be part of your underwiring or armor, it is deemed disposable.

n.r. Williams

Monday, September 11, 2017

Pre Fixes of Action

If you must react, react. But first consider your position.

n.r. Williams

Sound Quality

You'll know when you've hit your target by the sound of their response, and you'll know where you've hit your target by the quality of their response.

n.r. Williams

Judge This

The point on the grid where you interact with information.

n.r. Williams

Vocal Imprint

Dressed in another person's words, you'll look disheveled, but dressed in your own words you'll be distinguished.

n.r Williams

Keep Walking, Vol.3

... there are storms you must learn to speak to.

n.r. Williams

Sunday, September 10, 2017

Know Good

Manufactured good travels the world, but intrinsic good changes the world.

n.r. Williams

Be Careful With Names

... to name a thing, is to sustain a thing.

n.r. Williams

All That You Are

When you relinquish what you want, and pick up what God wants for you, then you will know all that you are.

n.r. Williams

Payroll's on Hold

When your head was the buy in, but you refused to die.

n.r. Williams


Destiny's Playground

The distance between the simple tons and the giants.

n.r. Williams

Miscalculated, Vol. 3

When you make your contempt so obvious, that what you hoped to discredit shines.

n.r. Williams

Friday, September 8, 2017


When you bypass the question, and reach for the intention.

n.r. Williams

Charitable High Ways

When you give away the things you most need.


Who's Who, Vol. 4

Some don't require you to beg; they'll toss you a bone, only to get a picture of you with a lowered standard.

n.r. Williams

In the Dark

Keep making deposits in the dark. One day when the lights are turned on, the treasures will be there. And you would have been purified by all that went unregistered.

n.r Williams

Counter Wisdom

The people you don't want to see you fall, are the ones who need to see you fall. Fall already!

n.r. Williams


God's Opinion Dictates

The question was asked, "which office does one go to to get his/her reputation back?"

n.r. Williams

Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Monday, September 4, 2017

Above the Smear

No slander, mockery, ending, antagonist, or robbery ever formed against us shall prosper. We Overstand!

n.r. Williams

Internal Light

When the road goes black, light the way from the inside.

n.r. Williams

Still Full, Vol. 2

They kept trying to show her how to eat, but she kept saying... "I'm full, I just ate this book".

n.r. Williams


The Gardener

When those planted around you have been choked out, plants will come from distant places in attempt to lay roots. Don't be hard, but be shallow. And just when they reach down to pat the soil, then become hard. Then let them meet The Gardener.

n.r. Williams

Who's Who, Vol. 3

Beware of the wolf who has a child to feed, who desires you to grow quicker than you can learn anything.

n.r. Williams

Sunday, September 3, 2017

Cage Less

Let those who are feeble in heart go. As they leave their pieces of your heart behind, feel your strength grow.

n.r. Williams

In The Father's House

..  if you think feed, you'll be supplied. If you think eat, you'll have to look for work.

n.r. Williams

His Daughter

Everytime they started counting and making bets, a hand cut through the clouds.

n.r. Williams


Once Upon a Time

Once upon a time the projects tried to project my future, but my future rejected the projections.

n.r. Williams

Ear Drum

When your heart pounds the dream into your ears.

n.r Williams

The Pivot Point

That place in your mind where everything is within reach.

n.r. Williams

Friday, September 1, 2017

Thursday, August 31, 2017

Who's Who

Those who are motivated by what you do, will most often seek to compete with you, but those who are inspired by what you do, will often become an inspiration to you.

n.r. Williams

Unable to Resize

... was the error message sent by God to the one who attempted to reduce you in size.

n.r. Williams

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

The Lump and The Log

No one goes to war with a lump on a log, unless the lump was an eye, and the log was a vehicle.
n.r. Williams

Trigger Not

We all have triggers, but decide up front what your auto responder will say.

n.r. Williams


Friday, August 25, 2017

I Promise

Until you are buried, you cannot be resurrected. Hold on. God loves you!

n.r. Williams

Be Watchful

The olive branch extended without a change of mind withers quickly.

n.r. Williams

Through the Blinds

Through the blinds came a light, and that light revealed a positive truth. It said, "that which has no power to fill, likewise has no power to empty".

n.r Williams

The Succession

After the snowball, came the black ball, but after the black ball came A Mighty Rock.

n.r. Williams


Miscalculated, Vol.2

When your response to a sound word is an old picture.
n.r. Williams

Still Full

Don't wear your past around your neck like a milestone, throw it off and walk upright.

n.r. Williams

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

The Three Selves

Today will take care of itself, but History will not remember itself, nor will the future prepare itself.

n.r. Williams

No Oversight

Apprehension is what you feel when the spirit makes a sudden change in timing, but not instruction.

n.r. Williams

Tuesday, August 22, 2017


If you sell your voice for a seat at the table, you sit at the table without the ability to speak.

n.r. Williams

The Lack of Moral Authority

Any Authority that strips liberties to protect or disguise injustice, gives permission to go back in time.

n.r Williams

A Union to Remember

I have a vision of a union.
It's a picture of a time when erected alongside Lady Liberty there will be a great statute, Sir Justice.  And it will uphold a set of balanced scales that will speak of aspirations made a reality.  This union will forever be a show of solidarity between the leading morals and values of a great nation.  And said nation would always be remembered and revered throughout the world, not only for its great liberties, but it's courage to hold justice in equal regard.  Such a nation, showcasing such a union will always prove to be the pride of all its citizens.

n.r. Williams


Petitions and Requests

The distinction between desire and demand.

n.r. Williams

A Captivating Truth

Wisdom answers and speaks to many, but truth has no one to answer to. It is the answer to.

n.r. Williams

Monday, August 21, 2017

No Disguises

Sensitive is the spirit that can detect an act of violence even when it appears to be an act of brotherhood. Thus was the spirit of a King betrayed with a kiss.

n.r. Williams

No Agitators

The first step in establishing a peaceful protest is the ability to protest in peace.

n.r. Williams


Total Recall

When God saw that the law was standing in the way of truth, a King was born. And He said, I will be the way. He pushed the law to the side, and took His people by the hand. Along the way, He revealed the mysteries of the law, and when they understood, He left them to dress the rest of the way with service and praise. All this He deserved from His Throne.

n.r. Williams


Sunday, August 20, 2017

A Report for English C

(first draft)

She Stood As Many

It was just a first draft, and though it was written in full trust of humanity, it was held as a document of slavery. For at whatever moment she should set her eyes on Glory, it would be sent out like wild fire, through the veins of the world wide web, to all she was destined to meet, in attempt to prevent her from the will that had been written and left for her by her Father.




Sometimes you have to get yanked back to go forward.

n.r. Williams

Get Destined

Fullness is promised overflow as its Destiny.
n.r. Williams

Get Glory

Overflow don't see overflow as waste. Overflow sees overflow as Glory. Half-full sees overflow as waste.

n.r. Williams

Get Filled

Full don't see full as full. Full sees full as equal.  Empty sees full as full.

n.r. Williams

Friday, August 18, 2017

Which "Anity"

Humanity is when you reveal what you did when you didn't know better. Profanity is when you continue what you do, and you do know better.

n.r. Williams

Meet the Bones

Dry bones break, soft bones bend, and firm bones stand.

n.r. Williams


Bosom to Bosom

When God holds you at His bosom, you see the beauty behind Him, and He sees the beast behind you. Stay in proper position, bosom to bosom and ear to ear; where you have the best view and maintain the shortest distance to hearing.

n.r. Williams

More Things in Place

I have instructions. God has strategies.

n.r. Williams

Stand Corrected Again

There's no such thing as taking advantage of people of faith, because faith is always the advantage.

n.r. Williams

Gifts of The Spirit

It takes courage to let your humanity show, and it takes courage to trust humanity with your courage.

n.r Williams

Thursday, August 17, 2017

Jim Crow Untold

When all the master's slaves were on one plantation, there was always a fear of uprising, but when there were many plantations, with many unacquainted slaves, then the master was in full control.

n.r. Williams

An Act of Violence

When the enemy presents himself as a guest.

n.r. Williams

Blow Smoke

Upset gets you no where, in control gets you everywhere.

n.r. Williams


Letters and Terms

There is no PR in art, there is only A&R.

n.r. Williams


Brawn and Nets

When your mind is full of brawn, and your adversary's mind has more holes than the average net.

n.r. Williams


Catch All

When you leave to get something to eat, and God shows me who you are. Then you return, and I meet you where you are.

n.r. Williams


Friday, August 11, 2017

Unreachable Battery

... the illusion of shutdown.

n.r. Williams

Sabotage 1102

Leave them to destroy part one, while you build part two.

n.r. Williams


Sabotage 101

When you have encountered an honest person, don't dig for a lie. Instead make it so everything that once was, is no longer so.

n.r. Williams

The Nostrils of Art

Art that defies nothing, whether thought, law, or beauty, has failed to take a complete deep breath.

n.r. Williams

How Her Mind Twerked

She figured if they were going to rob her, she might as well be sleeping.

n.r. Williams

Sunday, August 6, 2017

High Thoughts

When you were expected to jump off the bridge, but you threw a party on the bridge instead.
n.r. Williams

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Monday, July 31, 2017

The Simple Tons

Simple were minds without light.

n.r. Williams

The Empty Barns

... would remain empty until it was understood that they would be filled not by sacrifice but by Mercy.

n.r. Williams


In God the Father, there were zero degrees of separation.

n.r. Williams

Time and Again

The goal was to highlight her contradictions, instead the power of contrast was given light.

n.r. Williams


Three to five years they were asked to wait, as to not track any of the dirt back from the site of burial.

n.r Williams

All Persons

Sometimes she speaks. Sometimes she observes. Sometimes she listens.

n.r. Williams


Her eyes were the subject of their study. Though an unreliable subject. For her eyes studied everything.

n.r. Williams

Halfway Good

She couldn't hear the truth distracted by the lies.

n.r. Williams

Sunday, July 30, 2017


Until you become the subject of the revelation, perhaps nothing has been revealed.


Fade Not

If ever your beauty begins to fade, ask for forgiveness, and Grace will get it back to you.



Grace and Mercy... The general managers of His Glory.


Always Ask

Don't try to figure out in your head, what can be accessed in prayer.


Forgive Me

Grace is grace, but a fall is a fall. Forgive me.


Saturday, July 29, 2017

Glass Heads

Every time they stretched out their mouth in need to reprimand, they revealed the mud on the floor of their thinking.


Clean Up Well

They threw dirt at her. It got in her eyes, and made her cry. But His tears washed her clean.



One Time, Vol. 2

In reality she never picked up the mic, it was given to her, and she only ever dropped it but once. All those other times, were just echoes.

True or False

The truth will make you curse, a lie with a bit of truth will make you frown, but only a complete lie could make you laugh.

n.r. Williams


Go Tell It!

When the story begun to reveal their fingerprints, they tried to bury it, but oh the Glory. It was resurrected and told to... Go tell it!

n.r. Williams


God In Me

His confidence in me was so great, that I appeared over-confident.


Thursday, July 27, 2017

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Tuesday, July 18, 2017


What if personal brand only means personal best, and what if your personal best was so custom, that no one could wear it.



When you fan what's next to improve the visibility of now.

n.r. Williams

Awesome Afloat

Don't just throw your awesome into the air, but breathe on it continually to keep it afloat.

n.r. Williams

The Vision to Carry

If you can dig it up, you can carry it. For the vision is not just to be held, but to be carried.

n.r. Williams

Rough Side

The rough side is the only way up the mountain, lest you slip and fall.

n.r. Williams


When you are the furnishings and not the room.


No Purring Allowed

She might have purred and gotten her way, but she roared and became a way.


The Ledge

They pushed her to the edge and waited for her to fall, but it was their edge. In reality, she had a lot more ledge.


Sun and Moon

Humility and Confidence.


Sunday, July 16, 2017

No Other Way

He dares you to dream big, but suffers you to dream bigger.

n.r. Williams


She didn't come to see the world, but the bring her world.

n.r. Williams

The Why Nots

Unlayered was dull, one dimensional was flat, and scared was safe.



After they'd squeezed everything out of her, and it was all on the table, they decided it was more than they were prepared to lift. She then took a deep breath, and reclaimed all that was hers.

n.r. Williams


It was not stored in my head, but written in His book. I was not harboring anything, but holding everything.

n.r. Williams


It is not blown in the wind, but carries the wind. It makes no quick exits, but it does insist on stopping... sometimes to rest, sometimes to offload... other times to onload, but mostly it stops to redistribute weight.

n.r. Williams


I'd seen enough to make a judgement, but I did not know enough to be the judge.


Thursday, July 13, 2017

Forever Roads

The toughest road you will ever travel is the one named Character. It is also the most mistitled road.


The Real Work

Don't work the plan, but work with the unplanned; which is the real plan in disguise and at work.

Get Wet

The moment you realize it's not a wall you're up against, but an old line you drew in the sand, that never got wet.

n.r Williams

Keep Walking

He calls you into the dark, and right to a fire in the bush.


Wide Open

The tunnel is only the tight side of the funnel. If you do life from the inside-out, the end of the tunnel is wide open.


More Than An Inch

Until your determination begins to look like obsession, you haven't moved an inch.

Dream On

Your level giant is always in proportion to your level dream. Don't blink; Dream on.


Between Mountains

Sometimes there's a valley between mountains, and sometimes there's a bridge. Whichever way you go; high or low, just know... God is there also.



Method Under Technical Examination.



Wednesday, June 28, 2017


She remained hungry, because she refused to jump into a muffin pan. Her thoughts had been set on tiers.



Unbruised Heel

If you dig your heels far enough into gratitude, you'll feel no offense.


What Talent?

No talent ever created light, but light created many a talents.



Still Look Again

When it looks like you jumped lanes, but the truth is that your lane is just that broad.

Monday, June 26, 2017

Lie Expired

The intent of the lie is to make you think you're back where you began, when in fact, you are standing at the door of Destiny.


Oppose It

The tears were a signal to them that they were winning, but for God, it only meant...  He had her right where He could use her.



Go Ahead

The heartache of going ahead is loneliness, the foot-ache is steadiness, and the headache remains readiness.


Your Way

Until you get the courage to do it your way, no one will see your way.



The right way to get wired.


Sunday, June 25, 2017

Beyond Infinity



In His Hands

If I had been stripped, it was only of those things for which I had no need.  For, the things which I needed, were hard  for them to reach.


Into the Fire

The times that there was thunder but no rain, were the times that large hollow branches, were simultaneously broken away from their perspectives.


T'was Grace

If you decide in the middle, you die in the middle. Try grace to finish the race.

Holy Highway

There in His palms were a picture of all life's arteries.

Beyond Recognition



In Frequency

Elevate your thoughts above their usual frequency, or they will be overcome and intercepted by the usual radio waves.


Sincerely Life

"I was never trying to break your back.  I was only building a staircase. Now.. Chin up. Shoulders back!"


Wrong Manual

What if she didn't need her horoscope to figure out who she was, but to defy everything she was said to be.


To See Far...

is to see with wings.


My Constituents

The Lord Jesus and the angels assigned to my life.


Wednesday, June 21, 2017


They'd hope her circumstances would humble her, but humble ground had always been her springboard.


Woman be Free

The freedom of choice, without understanding; is No Freedom at all.


All Boxes Unchecked

She wasn't a feminist, she was a fairist, but she saw thru the heart of The Woman; right to the rib of him.


Friday, June 16, 2017


The flips in the script.



Good Housekeeping

Never attempt to make a withdrawal where you've been sent to make a deposit.


The Reach

Inspiration moves slower than motivation, but inspiration always reaches further.


Butterfly Phenomenon

our race begins with wings.



When it's already done, He presents it to us.  And so we can wrap our minds around it, He tasks us to name it.



Woman Be Whole

A liberty in reality, that poses a threat spiritually; is No Liberty at all.


Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Beyond Voice Recognition



The Consecrated Life

Means you stop to listen, and wait to hear.


The Prompts

Suggestions always makes sense, but God's promptings always makes wonders.


Beyond Face Recognition



The Will of God

... is always effective.



Wait until your value is seen, and not just your skill.


Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Hence Operation Takedown

She was too resourceful with nothing in her hand, income would only make her unstoppable.

Power vs. Power

Their power was found in trying to prove her dignity wrong. Her power was in proving her dignity right.



Sometimes you dunk, and you shake the rim.  Other times... you dunk, and you break the glass. However you do it; leave a spill.

Ergonomic Economics

A process by which the ones who control a social economy, adjusts the sleeping patterns to better suit a prescribed posture.


Reach out and catch that farfetched thought. Next never comes in your size.


Sunday, June 4, 2017

Saturday, June 3, 2017


If you only use sleep for energy, you haven't cracked the surface of sleep.



To go to sleep on fire and wake up on fire.



A Bigger Pair of Shoes

If your dreams are too close to your reality; get a bigger pair of shoes... Something you can grow up to.

Peanut Gallery

Face to face is a culture of spectators. Back to back is the law of defenders.



Don't beat the guts out of your children; they're going to need those.


Friday, June 2, 2017


If it were solely for her advantage, it would be a liability, but because it's for a greater advantage, it's an asset.



Though I call Him Rabbi, He calls me daughter.




In times of difficulty, master the things that are in your control, and let the Master (God) control the things that are outside of your grasp.



Her likeability was never about her smile; though illuminating. It was always a matter of heart.



Confidence is earned.



Wholeness is measured by an inability to divide.


Up and Out

Up and Out of a broken heart, a bridge is born.


Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

The Way I Learn

There's a difference between learning and gathering information. To learn, one must engage with the information. To gather, all one needs is a container.


Key Infrastructure

Insight. Hindsight. Foresight.


Monday, May 22, 2017

All Encompassing

Wisdom speaks to both sides of an issue;  not because it's double-minded, but because it's all encompassing.


The Test

The God made storm is a test. The man-made storm is a battle. The good news is that God will fight your battles, but He won't take your test.


It's Always Going Her Way...

She had a deal with life, and it was allowed to kick her butt; as long as it was kicking it in the right direction.


Man-made Storm

They built a storm and waited for the opportune time to present an umbrella. They had hoped to be seen as saviours, but the Savior had already passed by. He left a wing they could not see hovering over me.



Thursday, May 18, 2017


She renegotiates Kayla a better pair of shoes.



... was the resurrection and the release.


It's Tricky

They changed her gender to conceal their agenda.  They speak in terms of politics, but she thinks in terms of analytics.  She dumbfounds her critics, and the ones that are left; God confounds them.


Far Out

God is so far ahead of us that what He tells us, is not for today, but for the day that our belief bridges the gap.


Friday, May 12, 2017

Cost Counted

She counts the cost, and she decides that where there is a lack of drive, she will commission determination.


Thursday, May 11, 2017

Law Equals Law

A magnet could move about, but its power is in proving the laws of attraction.


The Plans

If the subconscious mind is the greatest event planner ever; be sure you sit down to look over the plans.
